I had some extra cooked macaroni from last night's dinner. As I highly value food, I did not have the heart to throw it away. I am a person who eats until my plate is clean. Hence, the pasta went to the fridge.
This morning, I opened the fridge and wondered of what to do with the pasta. My thinking bell rang and I came up with a super simple breakfast.
Macaroni Frittata
What do we need:
1/4 cup cooked macaroni
1/4 cup frozen mixed vegetables, thawed
2 eggs
2 tbsp milk
1/4 tsp garam masala
1/4 tap oil
freshly milled black pepper
How do we do it:
Beat the eggs with milk and garam masala.
On a non stick frying pan, heat the oil and pour the egg mixture. Sprinkle the pasta and mixed vegetables onto the egg. Season with salt and pepper. Cook on low heat to prevent burning. When the top is almost cooked, very carefully flip it over and cook for another 30 seconds.

Serve Macaroni Frittata hot with dash of ketchup or chilli sauce. Along with a glass of orange juice, it makes a great breakfast.
This morning, I opened the fridge and wondered of what to do with the pasta. My thinking bell rang and I came up with a super simple breakfast.
Macaroni Frittata
What do we need:
1/4 cup cooked macaroni
1/4 cup frozen mixed vegetables, thawed
2 eggs
2 tbsp milk
1/4 tsp garam masala
1/4 tap oil
freshly milled black pepper
How do we do it:
Beat the eggs with milk and garam masala.
On a non stick frying pan, heat the oil and pour the egg mixture. Sprinkle the pasta and mixed vegetables onto the egg. Season with salt and pepper. Cook on low heat to prevent burning. When the top is almost cooked, very carefully flip it over and cook for another 30 seconds.

Serve Macaroni Frittata hot with dash of ketchup or chilli sauce. Along with a glass of orange juice, it makes a great breakfast.

Eggs and pasta taste so darn good. Looks very pretty.
Very nice and yummy recipe...:D
Hi Pushpa, both my kids love pasta, so I almost always have some leftover in the fridge. This is a great idea to use it up! Thanks for sharing and btw the photo is really yummy! :)
Nice Idea Pushpa. Viji
Great idea Pushpa looks very delicious!
What a neat idea Pushpa!
Thank u very much everyone.
Hey Pushpa!
Am sorry I have been able to chat with you now that you are back in Switzerland and to congratulate you upon the birth of your son. I am rubbish at email, hope you don't think I have forgotten about you. I tried to message you on MSN a few times when you were in KL but I think you were busy feeding baby.
It is great to have you blogging again and to have you back! Catch up soon!
Love JU xx
Pasta+eggs=perfect combo..looks yummy :)
I love leftovers and that's a great way of using them! Yummy!
that looks delicious. Perfect combo :)
nice recipe and the picture looks so beautiful.
It did come out very well pushpa! nice way to make use of pasta...as for me, I'd jsut eat the pasta agian in the morning, as I can eat it anytime:) i love macaroni!
My daughter is going to love this, her next lunch
Thanx a lot to all of u.
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