Found ridge gourd at the local Indian grocery shop. It has been such a long time since I have eaten it. Felt like eating at once. Therefore, I bought one.
I like ridge gourd added in a watery dish. Struck my mind was sodhi. Sodhi is a broth like dish cooked with coconut milk and tamarind. I wanted to using avoid them both. As substitute, I decided to use milk and tomatoes, which are far healthier.
Ridge Gourd Sodhi
What do we need:
1 ridge gourd
1 large tomato
1 large onion
1 green chilli
1 tbsp dried shrimps
1 cup water
1 cup milk
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
How do we do it:
Remove skin and slice the ridge gourd into 1/2 inch rings. Slice the tomatoe and onion. Half the chilli lengthwise. Wash and drain the dried shrimps.
Heat oil, add the onion, chilli and shrimps. Sautè until aromatic. Add the ridge gourd. Pour in the water and add turmeric powder. Cook covered until the ridge gourd is cooked.
Add milk and sliced tomatoes. Season with salt. Remove from heat when milk starts to boil.

Serve Ridge Gourd Sodhi with hot piping rice or idiappam.
I like ridge gourd added in a watery dish. Struck my mind was sodhi. Sodhi is a broth like dish cooked with coconut milk and tamarind. I wanted to using avoid them both. As substitute, I decided to use milk and tomatoes, which are far healthier.
Ridge Gourd Sodhi
What do we need:
1 ridge gourd
1 large tomato
1 large onion
1 green chilli
1 tbsp dried shrimps
1 cup water
1 cup milk
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
How do we do it:
Remove skin and slice the ridge gourd into 1/2 inch rings. Slice the tomatoe and onion. Half the chilli lengthwise. Wash and drain the dried shrimps.
Heat oil, add the onion, chilli and shrimps. Sautè until aromatic. Add the ridge gourd. Pour in the water and add turmeric powder. Cook covered until the ridge gourd is cooked.
Add milk and sliced tomatoes. Season with salt. Remove from heat when milk starts to boil.

Serve Ridge Gourd Sodhi with hot piping rice or idiappam.
Sodhi is also match to eat with idiappam (thunder cake)… its also favourite dish of SriLankan….. Am I right??? & now I know why you did Sodhi…..heeheee
Sodhi is new to me..and with Idiappam, that's amazing...i'll add this to my to do list...thanx for sharing..
looks yummmmmy....milk based dishes are so heartening.
I think I can substitute with coconut milk,right?
Looks delicious, pushpa, but can i prepare this with zucchinis instead of ridge gourds?
I have ridgeguard in my fridge, I know only curry but now i got a new recipe. Thanks pushpa.
Kanda~ Periya arivali. U know everything ah?
Shynee~ Sodhi & idiappam are a Sri Lankan staple food. Do let me know how do u like it.
Nabeela~ Yes, they are. I hope u'll like it as much as I do.
lg~ Of course. Sodhi is traditionally coconut milk based. I substituted it with milk as a healthier version.
Paati~ Yes u can & tatz a good idea. I shall also try with zucchini next time. Thanx.
Sudha~ Ur welcome. Do let me know how like the taste.
Ridge gourd and shrimps,must try combo,Nice recipe Pushpa!
This is new to me,the combo of ridge gourd and shrimps..Will try soon...Thanks for sharing pushpa..
This is totally new to me, sounds delicious too!
Is tamarind unhealthy? I didnt know that.
hmm interesting - we make sodhi a lot being from tirunelvelli, but we never add tamarind, this would be a new taste, I shd try it.
Thank you for the recipe. I have a Q. Where is this dish from? I saw a cabbage Sodhi recipe in another blog, and there also the place of origin is not mentioned. It will be great if you can shed some light on this.
Looks wonderful Pushpa! I'm bookmarking this, thanks :)
Yep! Pushpa, I agree with Linda, It looks so absolutely wonderful.Hmmm....Idiappam is one of my fav breakfast and can imagine the combo ,thanks for sharing this recipe...:)
Hi Puspha,
Thanx, I noted the contents. Can I make without dried shrimps???
Sumitha, Sudhav, Linda & Lera~ Thank u very much. Let me know how u like it.
Yum~ Thank u. Yes, tamarind is quite unhealthy.
Shankari~ My mother uses tamarind in her sodhi and it tastes so good with idiappam.
Btw, my paternal ancestors originate from Thirunelvelli. We culd probably b relatives hehehe.
Archana~ I head tat sodhi is cooked in the some parts of tamil nadu. Wat I´m very sure is tat sodhi is a stample of Sri Lankan Tamils. It is a daily must have item for them. :)
Menu~ Thank u. Of course u can omit them & make a vegetarian version.
Hi Pushpa
Thank u so much for putting a link for FMR 7.
I think u need to remove the last / then only the link works Strange !!
So instead of
can you put
This one looks so colorful. Yum !
I am not such a great SI cook I admit, but you make it sound so easy and delish. Push, I hope you'll be joining my Blogger Postcards from the Worldgame.
Hi Pushpa,
I made Sodhi recently too ! I actually never found anyone who new about this dish until now. I was just visiting food blogs and got to ur blog and u have it here..!! The recipe I followed was my Grandmother's and is a bit different from yours. Will try this one soon.
Pushpa where are you?Is little Mahisha keeping you busy?
Revathi~ Thank u for the correction.
Krithika~ Thank u.
Meeta~ Thanx. Yeah, I'm in to it.
Priya~ Thank u & welcome to the blog. U have a great blog.
Auntie Bee~ Hi!!! Thank u very much & welcome to the blog. Am I glad to c u here or what!? :)
Sumitha~ Well, I had some technical problems with my internet connection. Glad tat itz all fine now.
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